I'm a list maker -- big time! I don't function without one. I wake up in the middle of the night and make lists. It's a disease;-) So, I thought I'd put this habit to good use. Each Monday, I'll post a topic and my own list. I'm not setting a specific # of items for the lists -- just whatever comes to mind. These will go on the fronts of my Project 365 weekly folders.
Wanna join me?! Feel free to comment with your list or leave a link to your blog post.
So, without further ado...
Today's topic: List your favorite concerts
1. Garth Brooks -- saw him in Baton Rouge and he opened with that song -- the place went nuts!
2. Reba McEntire -- she is an amazing entertainer
3. George Michael and the Bangles (it was my 1st, so it ranks;-))
4. Stone Temple Pilots -- Scott Weiland in a handstand (with band members holding his feet) singing "Dead and Bloated"!
5. Pearl Jam -- Just after Ten was released; amazing show
6. Restless Heart -- small show at Mudbug's
7. The Cure -- Janine and I dressed in all black; I remember our outfits more than the show;-)
I know there's more, but those are the first ones that popped into my head. What's your faves?